Sustainability Site


Messages from Leadership

Why are we promoting sustainability?

Sustainability Management

How did we determine our material issues?

Material Issues

What actions are we taking?

Materiality Identification Process

Harmonious Coexistence with the Natural Environment

We believe that the promotion of business operations that reflect consideration for the natural environment is essential for the achievement of sustainability for society and for companies. Together with a variety of stakeholders, the Group is aiming for harmonious coexistence with the natural environment.

Relevant SDGs

Provision of Appropriate Products and Services

With our priority on the safety and peace of mind of customers, based on appropriate ethical standards, we strive to increase customer satisfaction by working together with partners to provide safe, high-quality products and services.

Relevant SDGs

Appropriate Utilization and Protection of Intellectual Property

The Group is working to contribute to the sustainable development of entertainment through the appropriate use and protection of IP (characters and other intellectual property), which are important management resources.

Relevant SDGs

Establishment of Work Environments That Facilitate Mutual Respect

We aim to support the sustainable development of society and business by establishing workplace environments that facilitate mutual respect and enable everyone to work energetically, including not only employees but also everyone else associated with the Bandai Namco Group.

Relevant SDGs

Harmonious Coexistence with Communities

The Bandai Namco Group aims to live and grow together with local communities in order to continue to be a Group that is appreciated by communities and fans and is necessary for society.

Relevant SDGs

What efforts are we making specifically?

Our Initiatives

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