History (Corporate Information)

When was Bandai Namco Holdings Inc. established??

In September 2005, Bandai Co., Ltd. and NAMCO LIMITED established this joint holding company. The common stock of Bandai Namco Holdings Inc. is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange (Prime Market).

Where can I find an overview of the company?

Please click here for more information.

Where can I find information about the history of the company?

Please click here for the history of the company.


How can I find some recent information on financial results?

Please click here for more information and to read the latest financial statements and/or download a copy in PDF format.

When is the next announcement of financial results?

Please click here for the IR calendar.


What is the company's dividend policy?

Bandai Namco Holdings Inc. places the return of profits to shareholders as one of its highest priorities in its management. Therefore, the company follows a basic policy of providing a return to shareholders that targets a total return ratio of 50% or more based on stable dividend payments of 2% of DOE.

Where can I find the stock information of Bandai Namco Holdings Inc.?

Mitsubishi UFJ Trust Bank Limited.
Please click here for more information.

Where should I go if I want information about my shares or shareholder details?

Please ask at any Mitsubishi UFJ Trust Bank branch.