The Company recognizes that disclosing appropriate and reliable corporate information at an appropriate time and in a fair manner, without concealing information, is an important management issue to ensure management transparency, and is essential to gain the understanding and trust of all stakeholders. To this end, in addition to complying with laws and regulations such as the Companies Act and the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as well as the regulations set by Tokyo Stock Exchange, the Company shall proactively disclose information beyond that required by laws and regulations which the Company determines to be important for shareholders and other stakeholders.
In disclosing corporate information, the Company shall disclose appropriate information, including its IR policy, in a timely manner in accordance with the regulations stipulated in relevant laws and regulations such as the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as well as the regulations established by Tokyo Stock Exchange, and also aim to ensure the promptness and fairness of information such as by disclosing information on the Company’s website.
We want to be a highly transparent company that can communicate our management strategies and business policies clearly to shareholders, investors and other stakeholders. For that reason, we will more fully develop the occasions where our management will talk directly with domestic and overseas individual investors, institutional investors, and securities analysts, for example through company presentation sessions and result presentation sessions.
We are taking measures to make sure that all Group companies and employees are fully aware of this IR Policy and comply with it rigorously. These measures include posting information on the Company’s website, portal sites for Group companies, etc. as well as inculcating the principles of the Policy continuously through internal magazines, training sessions and various other means.
We have established internal regulations on information management and prevention of insider trading in order to prevent insider trading from happening. We have also decided to implement trainings such as e-learning via our group intranet for our officers and employees.
We employ a practice of IR quiet periods in order to ensure fairness in information disclosure. During these periods, we refrain from making any comments to specific investors or media or holding individual meetings or corporate presentation sessions about our business prospects, results, or projections.