Mid-term Plan
In accordance with the Bandai Namco’s Purpose, which is the ultimate definition of the Group, the Bandai Namco Group aims to connect with a wide range of stakeholders including IP fans, business partners, Group employees, and communities around the world. We will strive to connect more deeply with current fans and more broadly with new fans. In addition, we will aim to foster multifaceted connections among current fans and new fans as well as communities of fans. In fostering connections with and among various fans, our highest priority will be the quality of the connections. Under the Mid-term Plan from April 2022 to March 2025, we will advance a variety of initiatives focusing on deep, broad, and multifaceted connections with a wide range of stakeholders and on the quality of those connections.
Mid-term Vision
In accordance with the purpose, as we work toward what we aim to be, under the Mid-term Plan we will strive to always meet the needs of IP fans, a wide range of business partners, Group employees, and communities around the world and to foster deep, broad, multifaceted connections.
Main Strategies and Investment Plan
1. IP axis strategy
The IP axis strategy, which is the Group’s strength, will be the core of the Mid-term Plan. We will aim for sustainable growth by implementing new initiatives to foster deep, broad, and multifaceted connections with fans around the world; by accelerating evolution in the IP axis strategy; and by working to build businesses as we work together under the ALL BANDAI NAMCO concept in regions around the world.
(1) IP x Fan (connecting with fans through IP): New framework for connecting with fans
On an IP axis, Bandai Namco will develop a metaverse for each IP as a new framework for connecting with fans. In this IP Metaverse, we are anticipating virtual spaces that will enable customers to enjoy a wide range of entertainment on an IP axis, as well as frameworks that leverage Bandai Namco’s distinctive strengths to fuse physical products and venues with digital elements. We are aiming for open frameworks that provide venues for connections with and among fans and business partners. Through the IP Metaverse, we will establish communities among Bandai Namco and fans, as well as among fans themselves. Through these communities and content, we will build deep, broad, multifaceted connections that continue for long periods of time, and we will focus on the quality of those connections. In this way, we will work to maximize IP value over the medium to long term. To advance development, we will collect IP information so that we can provide a variety of information to fans, develop content that leverages Bandai Namco’s distinctive strengths by fusing physical and digital elements, and build communities that will be venues for connections with and among fans and business partners.
(2) IP x Value (enhancing IP value): Accelerating evolution in the IP axis strategy
We will leverage outlets for a wide range of products and services as well as our strengths in facilitating collaboration among physical and digital elements, and we will redefine the optimal IP axis strategy for IP fans and for IP itself. In these ways, we will aim to accelerate evolution in the IP axis strategy.
- Strengthening IP creation
By reorganizing the IP Production Unit and collecting/integrating know-how related to visual, music, and live events, we will further reinforce our IP creation and production capabilities. In addition, we will implement strategic investment for the purpose of IP creation. We will strive to create IP from a variety of perspectives, including creation from products and services, creation through Groupwide initiatives, creation through the Bandai Namco Content Fund, and creation through initiatives with external business partners. In these ways, we will work to nurture IP creation through Group businesses. - From a business axis, working to maximize IP value on an IP axis
In working on a business axis, we aim to maximize business operations by leveraging IP with a wide range of outlets for products and services. In addition, we also work from an IP platform perspective, where we emphasize the IP axis with the objective of maximizing the value of the IP itself. One of our strengths is the ability to foster connections with both digital elements, such as games and the metaverse, and physical elements, such as amusement facilities. Leveraging that strength, we will build IP platforms that foster connections among Bandai Namco and fans, and among fans themselves, through a wide range of products and services.
Aiming to maximize the value of IP, from a longer-term perspective, we will emphasize IP value maximization and implement open collaboration with a wide range of partners. Moreover, in addition to maximizing businesses, aiming for long-term IP value maximization, we will advance initiatives to expand the potential of IP.
For IP rolled out across regions and multiple businesses, we will aim for IP value maximization through Groupwide projects that extend across businesses and regions. With IP producers as the control towers, we will focus on IP value maximization and work to roll out IP from a long-term viewpoint of overall optimization. We will gradually expand the IP used in these projects, and the Group will work together to implement these initiatives.
(3) IP x World (connecting the world through IP): Building businesses under the ALL BANDAI NAMCO concept
To work together and advance our strategies under the ALL BANDAI NAMCO concept in regions worldwide, we have implemented such initiatives as organizational restructuring and base consolidation around the world. Under this ALL BANDAI NAMCO concept, we work to build businesses in each region.
Following the introduction of the new logo, it will be displayed on all Group products and services. In this way, we will strive to leverage the appeal of the ALL BANDAI NAMCO brand.
In the development of marketing of products and services with an IP axis, we will take steps to further bolster collaboration among businesses. Also, for IP that is rolled out worldwide, the Group will implement projects that extend across businesses and regions. Furthermore, we will focus on creating and nurturing IP originating in each region. In regard to organizations, with consideration for strategies and market environments, we will build the optimal systems in accordance with circumstances.
Through these initiatives, for the Group, we will aim for a percentage of overseas sales of 35% in the final year of the Mid-term Plan.
(4) Investment plan for accelerating evolution in the IP axis strategy
Over the three years of the Mid-term Plan, we will implement a total of ¥40.0 billion in strategic investment to accelerate evolution in the IP axis strategy.
- Strategic investment to maximize IP value: ¥25.0 billion
→New IP creation, Groupwide IP projects, open innovation, etc. - Investment to develop the IP Metaverse: ¥15.0 billion
→Establishment of data foundation (data universe), development of content
Total of ¥40.0 billion
2. Personnel strategy: Developing diverse human resources
In advancing the strategies in the Mid-term Plan, we will work to develop diverse human resources in a variety of fields, such as marketing personnel who will advance the IP axis strategy on a global basis, creators and engineers who will be involved with the creation of IP and the development of products and services, and personnel in administrative units who will be the foundation for advancing management strategies and business strategies. In this way, we will aim for a more-balanced workforce composition.
In accordance with our Purpose, we seek to be a group in which companies and employees can act with motivation and energy to leverage varied talents, individual characteristics, and values. In this way, we will strive to be a group that demonstrates the concept of “same spirit, diverse talents.” We will secure and promote human resources without regard to whether they are new graduates or mid-career hires, their gender, or their nationality. In addition, we will further focus resources on the establishment of systems and environments that enable diverse human resources to actively participate and to work in a manner that is healthy in body and mind. Under the Mid-term Plan, we will advance a variety of initiatives, such as supporting employees as they take on challenges and developing human resources to advance the IP axis strategy on a global basis. In addition, we will work to address diverse working styles and new working styles.
3. Sustainability: Connecting to smiles into the future
In accordance with our Purpose, the Bandai Namco Group will work together with fans to advance sustainability activities for the realization of a sustainable society.
(1)The Bandai Namco Group Sustainability Policy
Under the IP Axis Strategy, we will work with fans to promote sustainability activities corresponding to social issues that should be addressed by the Group.
(2) Promotion System
The Group recognizes that in order to fulfill our responsibility in realizing a sustainable society, the promotion of sustainability activities is important from the perspective of management strategy. Accordingly, from the Mid-term Plan, the existing Group CSR Committee will be reorganized as the Group Sustainability Committee, which will be directly under the Board of Directors. This committee will be chaired by the President and Representative Director of BANDAI NAMCO Holdings. In accordance with the sustainability policy, the committee will rapidly advance various activities to address social issues.
(3) Identification of Material Issues (Reselection of Important Themes)
The Group formulated its Important Group CSR Themes in 2010, and has verified their appropriateness and applied them in each Mid-term Plan. For the Mid-term Plan, the Group identified material issues (reselected Important Themes) aligned to the issues facing the Group and new themes in society. Material issues were identified through a process of listing items, analyzing their importance from the perspectives of external stakeholders and management, and holding discussions with outside experts. Moving forward, we will advance a detailed action plan in line with material issues.
Specified material issues
- Harmonious coexistence with the natural environment
- Provision of appropriate products and services
- Appropriate utilization and protection of intellectual property
- Establishment of work environments that facilitate mutual respect
- Harmonious coexistence with communities
(4) Medium to long term targets for decarbonization
To address environmental issues faced by society, the Bandai Namco Group has established numerical objectives and steps to be taken in the period up to 2050 in order to support decarbonization through reductions in energy-related emissions of carbon dioxide. Under the Mid-term Plan, we will advance initiatives in line with the characteristics of each business, such as further advancing energy-saving initiatives and introducing renewable energy.
Target: By 2050 | Reduce the amount of energy-related carbon dioxide emissions at Group business sites (offices, own plants, directly operated amusement facilities, etc.) to net-zero |
Medium-term target: By 2030 | A 35% reduction compared with fiscal year ended March 2020 (a 50% reduction compared with fiscal year ended March 2014) in energy-related carbon dioxide emissions at Group business sites |
Major initiatives | Further promotion of energy-saving initiatives and introduction of renewable energy, etc. |