Sustainability Site

Risk Management

The Bandai Namco Group has established the Group Risk Compliance Committee, chaired by the President and Representative Director of Bandai Namco Holdings Inc. The committee’s members include full-time directors and it has a secretariat. With this organization in charge, we have strengthened Groupwide risk management and put into place a system to respond to crises. Within this framework, we are working to strengthen compliance, prevent compliance violations, and enhance information security.

Composition of Group Risk Compliance Committee

A diagram of how the Group Risk Compliance Committee responds to risks. Compliance managers at domestic and international Group companies report risks to business management companies or overseas business management companies as necessary. The contents of the report are shared with the head of the Sustainability Management Department, the director in charge of risk and compliance, and finally the Group Risk Compliance Committee via the risk and the office for reception of risk and compliance information at the headquarters. Once the committee receives this and issues the necessary directions, the directions are similarly passed on to domestic and international Group companies.

Risk and Crisis Management System

Each Bandai Namco Group company has established a risk and crisis management organization pursuant to the Group Risk Compliance Rules to ensure proper responses to risks and crises that occur or could occur in the regions where they are located. These risk and crisis management organizations, with the assistance of business management companies or overseas regional management companies, strengthen their risk management during normal times and are responsible for addressing a risk or crisis that emerges.

In addition, the Group Risk Compliance Committee oversees the risk and crisis management system for the entire Group as well as determines policy on how to respond to and resolve risks and crises judged to affect the Group.

Response to Risks and Crises

Whenever a risk or crisis occurs that exceeds a certain threshold, the person in charge of risk and crisis management at Group companies, both in Japan and overseas, reports and shares information on the matter to the Group Risk Compliance Committee and other relevant locations using a dedicated system, leading the response as necessary.

If the matter is judged to require a response by the entire Group, the Group Risk Compliance Committee will meet to determine and instruct an appropriate course of action.

Formulation of BCP and Implementation

Each Group company prepares a business continuity plan (BCP) according to the prescribed format in the Bandai Namco Group Basic Policy on Business Continuity Planning. If an important resource incurs damages due to a disaster or other contingency, each Group company will respond based on their own BCP. The details of these BCP are reviewed and updated annually, while each Group company also conducts BCP training on possible contingencies.

Furthermore, if an earthquake above a certain level strikes somewhere in Japan, or if a contingency is judged to occur requiring confirmation of employee safety, each Group company checks the safety of its employees and their families residing or working in the affected region using the safety confirmation system.

Bandai Namco Group Basic Policy on Business Continuity Planning

In accordance with Bandai Namco’s Purpose, “Fun for All into the Future,” the Bandai Namco Group aims to pursue people’s smiles and happiness by providing dreams, fun, and inspiration around the world. We also aspire to connect people and people, people and societies, and people and the world in the enjoyment of uniquely entertaining products and services.

In the event of a serious disaster or contingency, the Bandai Namco Group hopes to continue bringing dreams, fun, and inspiration to everyone around the world by quickly resuming or sustaining its operations, with utmost concern given to human life.

  • We will prioritize the safety of Group employees, their families, and our customers.
  • We will quickly restore business operations to fulfill our responsibility of providing products and services.
  • We will support reconstruction and recovery through collaboration with the local community.

Efforts to Eliminate Antisocial Forces

The Bandai Namco Group and its subsidiaries have clearly stated their commitment to reject antisocial forces in the Bandai Namco Group Compliance Charter, which is the code of conduct that all officers and employees must comply with when executing business.

In our contracts with suppliers, we have included a provision for the elimination of organized crime groups and other antisocial forces, and our Group companies conduct risk checks when beginning business with new suppliers. Starting in 2022, with the aim of further strengthening our ability to eliminate antisocial forces, we are conducting checks on new and existing suppliers for all Group companies in Japan utilizing a database on antisocial forces.

Activities to Raise Awareness Internally

We also make efforts internally to raise awareness so that employees respond appropriately during a risk or crisis and that we restore operations in a timely manner. We hold the Risk Management Conference for persons in charge of risk and crisis management at Group companies in Japan and abroad to share the latest information on risk management. We also regularly conduct e-learning for employees on risk and crisis management, as well as disaster prevention, and hold risk and crisis management seminars.

Main Risk and Crisis Management Training

  • Information session for newly appointed persons in charge of risk and crisis management

    At the beginning of each term after a personnel shuffle, an information session is conducted for newly appointed persons in charge of risk and crisis management at Group companies covering the Group’s risk and crisis management standards and response in the time of a crisis.

  • Group safety confirmation drill

    Every year, safety confirmation system operation training is conducted semiannually for employees in Japan, which is approximately 9,600 people. We are preparing for the prompt confirmation of safety in the event of a sudden disaster by disseminating our response method and regularly updating emergency contact information.

  • Seminar on response to antisocial forces

    We invite external lecturers to discuss the trends of antisocial forces and talk about the importance of continuous efforts toward their elimination at seminars for our employees in Japan. We are also working to ensure that the rules for concluding contracts are thoroughly followed.

  • Seminar for overseas business travelers

    We host seminars with expert speakers on security and medicine for employees going on overseas business trips to understand the risks associated with traveling. In addition, we inform our employees about Group-affiliated assistance services for them to take appropriate measures in the unlikely event that they run into trouble overseas.

  • Crisis management e-learning

    Each year, we hold crisis management e-learning for all officers and employees in Japan and overseas to raise and foster awareness. Approximately 13,000 people participated in fiscal 2023.

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