Sustainability Site

Initiatives for
Human Rights

Fundamental Approach

The Bandai Namco Group respects the fundamental human rights of all people. Under Bandai Namco’s Purpose of Fun for All into the Future, we established the Bandai Namco Group Compliance Charter, as a code of conduct that all directors and employees must follow in their work in order to create a future of dreams, fun, and inspiration with people around the world.

In addition, the Bandai Namco Group set “establishment of work environments that facilitate mutual respect” as one of its material issues. This means that we aim to support sustained development for society and companies by establishing workplace environments that facilitate mutual respect and enable everyone associated with the Bandai Namco Group to work energetically.

We recognize our responsibility to respect the human rights of all stakeholders, including employees, their families, and business partners. Toward this end, we promote an understanding of human rights across the entire supply chain, take steps to prevent the emergence of human rights issues, and work to resolve issues that have already been identified. At the same time, we continue working to raise awareness of human rights across the entire Group and advance initiatives aimed at respect for human rights.

Compliance with Human Rights and Labor Laws and Regulations as well as Corporate Ethics

The Bandai Namco Group Compliance Charter recognizes that, regardless of country or region, complying with the letter and spirit of all laws, fulfilling social responsibilities, pursuing profits in fair and unrestricted competition, and contributing broadly to society through corporate activities are universal and important missions imposed on companies that build relationships of trust with society and fulfill the role of driving progress toward the realization of a sustainable society. At the same time, the Charter clearly states that we will prioritize the lives and physical well-being of our employees as well as provide a safe and comfortable working environment. The presidents of all business companies in the Group submit a written oath to the president of Bandai Namco Holdings agreeing to their compliance with the Group Compliance Charter.

Bandai Namco Group Compliance Charter207KB

Compliance System of the Bandai Namco Group

Human Rights Policy

To further clarify the Bandai Namco Group's stance and initiatives toward human rights, we formulated the Bandai Namco Group Human Rights Policy in November 2023. We understand that corporate business activities have an impact on human rights, and consider it our responsibility as a company to respect the human rights of all stakeholders involved in the Bandai Namco Group's business activities.

Bandai Namco Group Human Rights Policy

Together with all people throughout the world, the Bandai Namco Group aims to create a future where people and other people, people and society, and people and the world are connected through the rich emotions created by entertainment, as represented by Bandai Namco’s Purpose of Fun for All into the Future. In order to fulfill our responsibility to respect the human rights of all stakeholders involved in the business activities of the Bandai Namco Group, we hereby establish the Bandai Namco Group Human Rights Policy.

Scope of Applicability

This policy applies to directors, auditors, officers, and employees of the Bandai Namco Group (meaning Bandai Namco Holdings Inc. and its subsidiaries; the same shall apply hereinafter). We also ask all of our business partners and suppliers to understand, support, and comply with this policy.

Commitment to Respecting Human Rights

The Bandai Namco Group understands that our business activities may impact human rights, and will fulfill our responsibility to respect the human rights of all stakeholders involved in our business activities.

Compliance With Laws and Regulations Related to Respecting Human Rights

The Bandai Namco Group will promote initiatives to respect human rights based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the Children’s Rights and Business Principles. Furthermore, in each country and region where we conduct business, the Bandai Namco Group complies with the domestic laws and other regulations of the relevant countries, and respects internationally-recognized human rights. When faced with conflicting requests, we will do our utmost to honour the principles of internationally recognized human rights.


We will place the President and Representative Director in charge of this policy, and the Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) in charge of promoting this policy, and will promote initiatives to respect human rights in accordance with this policy.

Human Rights Due Diligence

The Bandai Namco Group will construct and continuously operate a human rights due diligence system to identify, prevent, and mitigate adverse human rights impacts related to the Bandai Namco Group’s business activities.

Remedy and Correction

If we identify that the Bandai Namco Group has caused or contributed to negative human rights impacts, we will take legitimate processes to remedy the situation and prevent recurrence.


The Bandai Namco Group will ensure that related policies, guidelines, and other necessary procedures reflect this policy, in order to embed this policy in all business activities. We also will provide appropriate education so that all directors, auditors, officers, and employees understand this policy and implement it in their respective corporate activities.

Dialogue and Consultation With Stakeholders

For initiatives taken under this policy, the Bandai Namco Group will consult with independent external experts on human rights and engage in dialogue and consultation with relevant stakeholders.

Verification of Progress and Information Disclosure

The Bandai Namco Group will monitor and improve the status of compliance with this human rights policy continuously. We will disclose the progress of human rights initiatives based on this policy through media such as the official website and integrated reports of Bandai Namco Holdings Inc.

Date of Establishment: November 1, 2023
Masaru Kawaguchi
Group CEO
President and Representative Director
Bandai Namco Holdings Inc.

Bandai Namco Group Human Rights Policy154KB

Implement Human Rights Due Diligence

The Bandai Namco Group recognizes that its business activities could potentially affect human rights. We recognize our responsibility to respect the human rights of all stakeholders, including employees, their families, and business partners. Toward this end, we promote an understanding of human rights across the entire supply chain, take steps to prevent the emergence of human rights issues, and work to resolve issues that have already been identified.

Previously, we implemented risk management for each business segment, but in the future, in order to identify, prevent, and mitigate negative impacts on human rights related to the Group's business activities, we will build a human rights due diligence mechanism and continuously manage risks using a risk-based approach. In fiscal 2022, we engaged a third party to conduct human rights due diligence covering our main businesses. This third party identified high potential human rights risks in the manufacturing sector in East and Southeast Asia among the Group's businesses.

Initiatives for Labor Environments in the Supply Chain

Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement for FY2023209KB

Activities to Raise Awareness of Human Rights

To inform and disseminate the Group's philosophy and approach to human rights among employees, we conduct awareness-raising activities as appropriate.

Regarding the Bandai Namco Group Compliance Charter, we distribute to all Group companies, including those outside of Japan, in-house posters that clearly state the Charter. We have also created a Compliance Book, which serves as a guide, and distribute it to the Group’s officers and employees. In addition, we conduct compliance awareness surveys for the Group’s officers and employees and work to disseminate the philosophy set forth in the Charter through various in-house training programs, including e-learning and new employee training.

Furthermore, believing that promoting executive management’s understanding is vital to strengthening human rights measures in the Group, we hold study sessions on human rights for directors of Bandai Namco Holdings. We also hold seminars and e-learning on topics, such as sustainability, work-life balance, the LGBT community, and disabilities, for employees to raise awareness of human rights and foster a culture of sustainability within the Group.

Initiatives for Raising Awareness of Human Rights

Initiatives for Respecting Human Rights in the Supply Chain

Responsible Minerals Procurement

Based on the results of its human rights due diligence, the Bandai Namco Group is working to eliminate the risk of human rights violations that may occur in the supply chain. Part of this is that we do not procure and use “conflict minerals” as raw materials.

It has been shown that the illegal mining of minerals (tin, tantalum, tungsten, and gold) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and neighboring countries has led to serious human rights violations such as child labor and forced labor and that the obtained minerals are a source of funds for armed groups. Prevention of this mining is an international issue, not only from the viewpoint of human rights and ethics, but also from the perspective of preventing environmental destruction.

From the perspective of social responsibility, the Bandai Namco Group has established a basic policy of not using problematic minerals mined in conflict-affected and high-risk areas. We are working to procure minerals responsibly throughout the supply chain, such as requesting suppliers to understand the Bandai Namco Group's ideas and implement compliance initiatives.

  1. The Bandai Namco Group does not use minerals illegally mined in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and neighboring countries.
  2. We agree with the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)’s Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas and manage the supply chain accordingly.
  3. We ask our suppliers to be aware of the Bandai Namco Group's initiatives and request them to take action to comply with them.
  4. If a significant risk is found, we will report it to stakeholders, including customers, as soon as possible and take corrective actions.

Consultation Hotline for Human Rights

The Bandai Namco Group accepts whistleblowing and consultation on human rights through various hotlines and accepts complaints and reports related to human rights from a wide range of stakeholders through external platforms.

We have established a whistleblowing system at Group companies in Japan and overseas that allows employees to consult at any time about human rights issues that arise within the company by e-mail, telephone, face-to-face, or other means. Consultations are also accepted anonymously, and we respond promptly after thoroughly protecting the consulter so that they will not be treated unfairly as a result of their consultation.

Internal Whistleblower Systems

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