Sustainability Policy and System
Fun for All into the Future
Deliver fun and inspiration to people around the world and pursue smiles and happiness into the future
The Bandai Namco Group is committed to creating the future together with IP fans, partners, and employees around the world and through its connections to communities.
Toward this end, we recently re-defined our Purpose as Fun for All into the Future. Recognizing that sustainability activities are an important initiative linked with management strategy, our approach focuses on “sustainability―connecting to smiles into the future.” We will work closely with fans, partners, employees, and communities to advance our sustainability activities, with the ultimate goal of achieving a sustainable society.
Sustainability Policy
Based on the key strategies of the Group Mid-Term Plan, the Bandai Namco Group will work together with fans to advance sustainable activities aimed at the realization of a sustainable society.

Implementing Sustainability Activities
Based on its Sustainability Policy, the Bandai Namco Group identified as material issues five themes requiring prioritized Groupwide initiatives to achieve our Purpose. Initiatives to address these material issues represent the focal point of our sustainability activities.
Material Issues of the Bandai Namco Group
Sustainability Promotion System
Group Sustainability Committee
We have established the Group Sustainability Committee, which comprises the directors (excluding outside directors) of Bandai Namco Holdings and others. The committee is chaired by the President and Representative Director of Bandai Namco Holdings. The Committee spearheads the Group’s efforts to advance sustainability activities speedily and in a manner that is integrated with operations. In accordance with the idea that the promotion of sustainability activities is an important initiative from the perspective of management strategy, the status of activities is periodically reported to the Board of Directors of Bandai Namco Holdings Inc.
Group Sustainability Subcommittee
The Group Sustainability Subcommittee is a subordinate organization under the Group Sustainability Committee. The head of the Group Sustainability Subcommittee’s secretariat is a director of Bandai Namco Holdings with related responsibilities (Chief Sustainability Officer; CSO), and the participants include the people in charge of sustainability at each business management company and at major affiliated business companies. The subcommittee’s activities include sharing the status of progress of initiatives that address material issues in each business, exchanging information, and discussing various issues. The specific measures formulated by the Group Sustainability Subcommittee are implemented after being discussed by the Group Sustainability Committee.