Sustainability Site

Safety and Security of
Products and Services

We provide high-quality, safe, and secure products and services that can be enjoyed by all, with safety and peace of mind as our top priorities. The Bandai Namco Group constantly reviews and improves upon its products and services, recognizing its responsibility as a company that provides products and services that satisfy people around the world.

Initiatives for Facilities and Live Events

Conduct regular safety inspections of amusement facilities

Bandai Namco Amusement regularly conducts safety inspections (precautionary inspections and self-inspections) at all of the amusement facilities it operates, including architecture, electrical equipment, fire-prevention equipment, and cabinets.

Injuries, accidents, or other unforeseeable situations are possible even when equipment is highly safe, depending on the way it is used or installed. We verify the safety not only of the equipment itself but also as the equipment is installed in an effort to ensure that customers can use our facilities with peace of mind. In addition to these safety inspections of indoor facilities, we hire outside professionals to perform safety inspections on electrical facilities including in the backyard.

Safety inspection

Give consideration to safety during live events

At its live events, Bandai Namco Music Live works to implement management with consideration for safety so that customers can enjoy these events with peace of mind.

To prevent accidents and facilitate rapid responses in case of a contingency, such as an earthquake, the event operation manual for live events contains detailed countermeasures and response methods. We also hold staff meetings in advance to ensure that all related parties know what to do.

We are also promoting the transition from paper tickets to electronic tickets and facial recognition systems to improve usability and security.

Facial recognition system
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